Dr. A.K. Singh
Message From Principal
OPS aims to create a supportive and inclusive environment where students are encouraged to explore their potential and achieve their best in all aspects of school life.
The student will be challenged and engaged through authentic learning opportunities that inspire them to develop creativity, confidence and resilience to become independent and ethical lifelong learners.
We offer a broad curriculum and range of opportunities for all students to achieve excellence in academic, creative, social, cultural and community endeavours.
We work hard to develop and sustain productive partnerships and connections with our parents, local school and business and leading tertiary institutions. We are proud to be a high performing school and aim to be the selective school of first choice for all families within our community.
OPS aspires all students to succeed in their world. It offers a wide variety of challenging, enjoyable and successful curricular opportunities, athletic events, performing arts and musical programs with various clubs and activities.
Academic excellence with character and personality development is our ultimate goal. We are proud of our continuous goal of providing an excellent education for our students.
We have a group of dynamic, hardworking faculty members who are involved in education to benefit the students.
May we continue to give our students strong roots and stronger wings to conquer the world!